FREE 57-Point Systems Security and Performance Assessment!

A comprehensive report and remediation plan to bring immense peace of mind for you and mitigate business risks.

Thanks for your interest in meeting for a FREE 57-Point Systems Security and Performance Assessment! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below so we can be fully prepared to get started when we meet.

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Are you a business owner, IT or office admin, or an executive who is concerned about the performance, vulnerabilities, or overall infrastructure of your IT systems and network? Do you wonder…

  • Current Systems
    • Does your current IT systems and network compare to what is out there? To best practices? Are there ways to automate more and reduce cost?
  • Confidential Data
    • Who else might be accessing your confidential data, such as your shared accounting files? How frequently?
  • Ex-Employees
    • Does an old employee still have access to your data, network, and other IT resources from outside?
  • Accessibility
    • How accessible is your network and confidential data from the outside? (hackers, unauthorized access)
  • Lag
    • Why do you experience slowness while working on your system or accessing your network?
  • Crashes
    • Why do servers crash? Do you have problems printing, accessing files, or receiving emails once in a while?
  • Viruses & Malware
    • Are your systems affected by viruses or undetectable malware, exposing your data and network?
  • Data Recovery
    • Can you really recover all of your data if your server crashed today? What if the server room caught fire? How long would it take to go back to normal?
  • Accidents
    • Has your staff inadvertently installed illegal software, exposing your confidential data and network?

We Will Give You (Deliverables)

    • Identification of:
      1. compromised network security
      2. opportunities for automation
      3. simplification and cost reduction of infrastructure
    • REPORT
      • Comprehensive documentation of your network with reports about above mentioned points (strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities).
    • PLAN
      • Simple plan of action and strategies to improve performance, reliability, availability, and security.